perm filename CHAMP.CHA[AM,DBL] blob sn#625480 filedate 1981-11-24 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Haimish Maclisp, the Computer Wizard		EPs earned: 7
C00011 ENDMK
Haimish Maclisp, the Computer Wizard		EPs earned: 7


1 	Instant change, 10x/day, costs Endur, 4xEndur, only from Normal   4
1.5	3 pt prim. comp. brain for multipower (below), which causes Haimish to
	enter a "default" state if unconscious: 
	Desolid80, Invis80+20, LifeSupport20, EgoDef20(40 after "no fringe" gone)
	Both this, and the whole multipower, are +1/2 (obvious but
	inaccess. focus in artificial forehead) and +1/4 (only in Hero form)
	and +1/4 (not underwater unless desolidified before and during)
 10 	2 5-point skill levels with the Multipower 
188	220 point Multipower reserve, plus 157 points worth of slots:
    1.5 15 point ultra: Half Damage Resistance
    1.5 15 point ultra: Other Half Damage Resistance
    4   20 point multi: Phys Defense
    3   30 point ultra: Phys Defense (usable after the multi)
    4   20 point multi: Energy Defense
    3   30 point ultra: Energy Defense (usable after the multi)
    2   10 point multi: Charac Defense 
    3   30 point ultra: Charac Defense (usable after the multi)
    5   25 point multi: Ego Defense
    3.5 35 point ultra: Ego Defense (usable after the multi)
     .5  5 point ultra: Flash Defense
    1    5 point multi: Flash Defense (usable after the ultra)
     .4  4 point ultra: Armor (1 point PD and 1 point ED)
    2   20 point ultra: Growth (+10ST,+4BOD,+10PRES,+2PD,+2ED,+4"...)   END: 4
    1.5 15 point ultra: advantage for Growth: 0 END (5+5+5)
    6   30 point multi: Full Life Support
    5   50 point ultra: Computer Programming (power, not skill, due to nature)
    2   19 point ultra: Danger Sense (roll 14 or less)
     .5  6 point multi: Danger Sense (usable after the ultra; +1 or +2 on roll)
    1   10 point ultra: Density Increase				END: 2
     .5  5 point ultra: advantage for density: 0 endur cost (2.5+2.5)
    1   10 point ultra: Force Field (5pts PD and 5pts ED)		END: 2
     .5  5 point ultra: advantage for forcefield: 0 endur cost (2.5+2.5)
    4   40 point ultra: Desolidification				END: 8
    4   40 point ultra: advantage for Desolid: 0 endurance cost (10+10+10+10)
    4   40 point ultra: Full Invisibility (but with some fringes)	END: 8
    4   40 point ultra: advantage for Invis: 0 endurance cost (10+10+10+10)
    2   20 point ultra: advantage for Invis: no fringe effect 15x/day (no END)
    1   10 point ultra: Flight at 5" rate (endur. cost is listed at 1)  END: 1
     .25 2.5 point ultra: Advantage for flight: 0 endurance cost (2.5)
    2   20 point ultra: 4x FTL flight when in space
   16   80 point multi: Energy Blast, up to 16d6, up to 400"      up to END: 16
    4   20 point multi: Advantage for energy blast: 1/2 endurance
    8   80 point ultra: Advantage for full energy blast: area effect 32 hexes 16
    4   40 point ultra: Advantage for full energy blast: affects desolid. No end.
   12   120 point ultra: Mental Illusions, 24d6, 15 times/day (note: 0 END)
    8   80 point ultra: Advantage for MentalIllus: area effect 48 hexes 3/day
    4   40 point ultra: Regeneration: get back 4 Body pips each recovery phase
    2   10 point multi: Running (up to +5" on ground speed [base 6])	END: 1
    2   20 point ultra: Running (usable after the multi)		END: 2
    2   20 point ultra: Telekinesis STR 20, 20", fine work on a 13	END: 4
    6   60 point ultra: Teleport (30), up to 21" (12), 2x mass (5), 
	 or 11" and attack (10), 1 dynamically memorizable spot (3)	END: 6
    3   30 point ultra: Advantage for teleport: usable on others; no end.
    3   30 point ultra: Advantage for teleport: on others: use at range; no end.
    2   20 point ultra: Tunnelling at 4"				END: 2
    3   30 point ultra: N-Ray vision
    2   20 point ultra: 360-degree vision
    1   10 point ultra: UV vision (night vision)
    1    3pt ultra: Enhanced vision; 3pt ultra: Enhanced hearing; 5pt ultra:
		microscopic vision usable when 2 bigger senses are on
     .7  7 point ultra: Telescopic vision when 2 bigger are on

285 in Disadvantages:
20  on 14 or less (15) when sentient machine killed (-5), recover 8 or less (10)
15  on 8 or less (5) when any device is destroyed (5), recover 11 or less (5)
   Dependent NPC:
20  Disney Droid, on 14 or less (15), normal (5)
20  C3P0, on 14 or less (15), normal (5)
25  OSI, large group (15) including some with superpowers (10)
20  Japanese intelligence, large (15), technical but not super (5)
10  NASA, large group (15), technical (5), 3rd such hunter (x1/2)
   Physical Limitation:
15  Head cannot turn ever (15), slight impairment (0)
10  Can't hold breath very long (must roll 11 or less) infreq (5) and great (5)
   Psychological limitation:
15  Sympathizes with machines over biological creatures; common (10) irrat (5)
15  Opposes earth's space programs; uncommon (5) but total (10)
 8  Paranoid about other aliens; common (10) irrat (5)
 8  Paranoid about large bodies of water; common (10) irrat (5)
   Secret identity:
15  Programmer for NASA
15  3d6 stun damage per NEW verbal logical paradox presented
10  Head can rust in seawater; 1d6 damage; common
   Unusual looks:
10  Bad reaction to the metallic forehead on an 11 or less
20  Double stun damage from water-stream attacks
15  1.5x stun from punches

192 Characteristics

18 Strength (8)
23 Dexterity (39)
23 Constitution (26)
24 Body pips (28)
18 Intelligence (8)
20 Ego (20)
 8 Presence (-2)
 5 Comeliness (-3)
15 Phys Defense (11)
15 Energy Defense (10)
 6 Speed (30)
17 Recovery (16)
49 Endurance (1)
45 Stun (0)